In India especially Bombay - the term chava is used for road side Romeo's - fake designer label wearing youth who stand by the street, lane and make sexual comments at girls - they are mostly goodlooking but not there yet, will be well groomed and exhibit attitude mostly copied from Hollywood or Bollywood Film stars
"Those idiot chava boys asked me to go on a date with them, their nerve!"
by nirvanaa May 31, 2009
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Two people who are in love; the cutest couple on the Earth; adorable
I ship CHAVA
by Hello my name is bob3345 October 20, 2018
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Defines two people who are deeply in love and are soulmates
Chava is so cute
by Hello my name is bob3345 October 20, 2018
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a beautiful woman who is born into a Jewish family. She has beautiful sparkling eyes that can be commanding at times. She’s always there for her friends and treats the closest ones like family. If Chava’s put trust on you, you better keep it and secure! She has her father’s face, but her mom’s gorgeous eyes. She will kick your ass, so watch out! She has low- self esteem, so she covers it up with Popularity. She has high emotions, too! Try to get a Chava friend. They’re awesome!
Chava- a Jewish name
by uglygirldepressed November 8, 2019
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chavachar-va is a labelled name given to an underpriveledged person who was neva taught how to dress so tucks there trackies into there socks,a chav is a person who wastes their lives hanging around on street corners, purchasing cheap booze, harrassing and abusing innocent citizens and likes to refer to themselves as hard guys.
chava:"wanna fight like rocky?"
by prettyprincesslouise August 16, 2005
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when someone talks in heavy slang, wears tracksuits or designer clothes, smokes, wears loads of make up or has a heavy accent
"Did you see Christine today? she looked like a chava"
"she is one"
by aliceeeeeeeee October 24, 2014
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