When Fred got a date with Sharon he went home and celebated.
by glaze83 November 7, 2010
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Celibate for idiots. My friends tried to argue with me over it.
Hold up!!! What ya'll tryna say :kiss: ...You mean I homie can't stay celebant if he wants to??
by Joran September 16, 2006
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People with to much money that usually have a very good plastic surgent.
What can I do for you today Pamela Anderson. I need a size ZZ.
by Billybob March 15, 2005
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Using the activity of masturbation to celebrate recent fortunate events. The act of "celebation" must be declared beforehand in order to qualify. Can be applied to, but is not limited to: sexual advances with the opposite sex, triumphant achievements of human ability, and/or fantastically tantilizing foodstuffs.
"What? An 92 on my Gay/Lesbian Studies exam? Time to go celebate!"
by Conslarfadarf October 18, 2009
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Pertains to the act of not having sex. I.e. whenever one is not having sex.
by cica October 24, 2009
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To masturbate in a celebratory fashion.
Home alone, and after winning the lottery, Daniel chose to celebate in front of the mirror.
by mmxjcl September 11, 2013
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Failure to abstain from sex after a vow of celibacy. Pioneered by celebrities who announce celibacy, and then proceed to break this vow soon after.
Person 1: "What happened to Paris Hilton's 1 year without sex?"

Person 2: "She went celebate"

Person 1: "Fair enough"
by sarahh=) November 15, 2009
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