Caution: This is a very real extreme sport not to be taken lightly.

How to play: All you need, is the ability to preform a half-assed cartwheel, and a moderately busy street. Now the idea, is to cross the street while doing one simultaneous cartwheel. That means, no stopping, no slowing down, and no pussying out. Men who take pride in this activity are often drunk, or not men at all, but a bunch of dumb teenagers who are looking for a "good" time and a few laughs. Until they get hit by a car.

I, myself, like to wear some hiked up gym shorts with a cut off tshirt. Sunglasses are a must during the night. You can't see a thing when cars put their brights on. Clothing of all kinds is acceptable, but try to make it sexy.

There are many types of games you can play besides the regular 'cross the street for fun' deal. Here's a few more games you can try playing:

Pig: You need at least 2 people to play this. One man must cartwheel across the street, in any path, and the other play must copy his exact path. If any car honks at you, gives you the finger, or yells at you, you are disqualified. Bitch.

Freestyle: Just cartwheel all over the road, go with and against traffic, just break free with an explosion of cartwheel greatness. If you want to compete, you set the amount of time each person has to make a performance, and rate it afterwords. The man with the highest score (preferably out of 10) wins.

Tag: The same as regular tag, but you have to stay in the lanes, and can only travel by cartwheeling. If you leave the lanes, your automatically ''it''.

Don't let these games limit your imagination. Come up with your own game!
Have fun playing in traffic!
One time, a cop stopped me while I was Extreme Cartwheeling, only to tell me I was weraing too dark clothing for the nighttime, and that I should be careful.

See? Outlaws respect a man who can cartwheel.
by Brttrx January 28, 2007
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Guy: Let's go to my place....

Tabitha: Where do live?

Guy: Close.

Tabitha: Walking distance?

Guy: Better!

Tabitha: Cartwheel distance?
by Em Dash February 24, 2011
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Doing a cartwheel through a pile of rice.
I spilled rice on the floor, my friend then proceeded to do an asian cartwheel.
by iLUVricealldai January 10, 2009
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A type of lesbian sex position where one girl holds the girl upside down, where the pussy is facing her mouth and the other girl is facing her pussy. Both girls proceed to coordinate themselves to cartwheel in any direction, and perform cunnilingus as the cartwheel.
Me and Suzy yesterday, did cartwheel cunnilingus, it was so fucking hot.
by ThatGuyWithTooMuchFreeTime January 9, 2019
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You put/tie your hands behind your back, lean forward and extend your front teeth in an attempt to prepare to do a cartwheel. Using your TEETH as leverage only (not your hands at all), you do the cartwheel, having your teeth hit the ground instead of your hands. This can be done in times of utter excitement or even disappointment. It is to suggest that you are overly emotional about something.
I just won the lottery! I feel like doing toothed-cartwheels from NJ to CA!
by Bobby Cipolla May 18, 2007
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The Mexican Cartwheel is a standing Sixty-Nine. Hetero - The man is standing up, the woman has his penis in her mouth, and her thighs are on his shoulders, his face is in her crotch. He can have his arms around her waist, or holding her shoulders. Just be careful getting into, and out of, this position, no dropping of the partner is allowed.
Guy: "Wanna do a Mexican Cartwheel babe?"
Babe: "Only for a few minutes this time, it gives me a headache."
by ct_sailor December 5, 2011
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When two men cartwheel while engaged in a standing 69.
Me and Glen have to hit the gym, we’re keen to try a Vitruvian Cartwheel
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