A married woman who routinely cruises gay clubs and hangouts for discreet female sexual encounters. She is typically unaware of pervasive subculture protocols.
Anne: Omigah! You have GOT to cut your nails and take off that promise ring before we go out, you look like a carpet bagger.
by elizabeth impossible December 19, 2008
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A straight woman who for the sake of superiority declares herself a lesbian.
"Yeah, she claims she's fucking Dixie, but we know she's just a carpet Bagger."
by beetsmee January 26, 2013
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Someone who shaves a hoe's pubic hair, puts it inside a ziplock baggy, and sells it on eBay.
man that carpet bagger made over 100k this year. hes got some good pubies
by Steve Hill November 1, 2007
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Someone who has alot of pubic hair and does a tea bagging like motion.
She is such a Carpet Bagger.
by SFHS Ray April 5, 2009
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an insult with no real meaning. Can be used for any occasion.
Shut up you fucking carpet bagger
by the_gr81 March 25, 2005
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A pimp, a man who gets lots of pussy.
I'm bagged myself some carpet last night. Twice. And then once again in the morning.
by Bo December 4, 2004
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During reconstruction after the civil war in the southern U.S. there were notherners who came down who were called scallywags and carpet baggers. The word scallywag meant troublemaker and carpet-bagger was an allusion to the bags carried by the norther buisness men who came just to profit. The use of both of these terms was in effect of any person seen as one of these type of people, regardless of race.
I learned about people who former confederate supporters reffered to as scallywags and carpet-baggers in My U.S. history class in 11th grade when the unit vocabulary was being discussed.
by Light Joker June 15, 2004
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