A euphemism for filterless cigarettes, not to be confused with joints.
Pass me some cancer sticks nigga.
by Lindsey March 27, 2005
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Referring to cigarettes. Primarily used by politically correct smokers who are aware of the drugs potential threats to the body, but enjoy the act of smoking enough to take the risk.
Man I need to smoke some more cancer sticks before we hit up this movie.
by leonittttuss79 October 20, 2010
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Mainly a cigarette could be a colt or cigar that can lead up to the feared cancer.
MaN ReeD JusT PoPPeD A sWeeT CaNCeR sTicK iN HiS Mouth He DiDn'T Even CaRe
by The Reefer Man May 6, 2005
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Person 1: "My aunt died because she wouldn't quite smoking that damn cancer stick !"
Person 2: "My grandma did as well!"
Person 3: "How tragic! I'm still trying to get my uncle to quit!"
by fuck-me-grande November 9, 2020
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A slang word for cigarette, or cigar. A pipe is known as a Cancer Pipe. It is understandable that u use thks word often.
Brother: Hey, can I borrow a Cancer Stick?
Sister: A what?
Brother: A Cancer Stick
Sister: Oh. *pulls out Cancer Stick and they both start smoking*
by DinoRo June 9, 2018
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