Noun. A Greek name meaning "most beautiful".

A beautiful, agile girl who you'll never catch with a frown on her face. Blonde hair and freckles. She'll laugh with you at anything. She's creatively talented and musical. If you come across a Calista, don't let her go because Calista is a hard name to find and it would be of your great loss. She's a girl that understands more about people then the world gives credit. You can trust her with your deepest secrets.
"Dang she's amazing."
"Is her name Calista?"

"How did you know?!"
by cali18 February 28, 2016
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Noun. A beautiful, agile girl who you'll never catch with a frown on her face. Red hair and freckles. She'll laugh with you at anything. She's creatively talented and musical. If you come across a Calista, don't let her go because Calista is a hard name to find and it would be of your great loss. She's a girl that understands more about people then the world gives credit. You can trust her with your deepest secrets.
"That ginger actually makes gingers look good!"
"Oh, you must be talking about Calista"
by Catlover78 December 20, 2013
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A girl who is so so hyper and can' t help it. A girl is so so random and you never understand wat she is saying. But she is so so funny. And always makes u laugh. She is so outgoing and can talk to anyone.
A girl: Hahahah wow she is such a Calista!!
Dude: I know ....wat the heck did she say??
by limegreeny November 15, 2009
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calista's are the best you could ever ask for. However they have the worst mood swings EVER! she's caring, beautiful, smart, and will always have your back. When you meet a calista never ever lose her trust she is the bestest friend you could ever ask for!
Oh dang, is that calista?!

Omg she's so hawt
by ipeeondrains September 19, 2020
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A crazy girl with a weird personality!

Her name is Greek in greek it means "Most Beautiful"

IF you have a Calista hold onto her because you will never want to let her go
Friend: "Hey Calista"

Calista: "HEY!!! FRIEND!!!!"
by A cool buddy May 12, 2019
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Greek meaning "most beautiful". Usually comes with black hair and brown skin with dark brown eyes. Shy and then loud once you get to know her. Very rare name and very rare person. Calista's should be praised, so praise them if you come across one.
Person: "Who is that?"
Kaitlynn: "that's Calista! All hail Calista!
by xxyatiyatiYEETxx May 11, 2019
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Really hyper person. Loves to sing. Very clingy, will remember you for a long time. Is crazy one second, and is completely calm the next. Obsesses over a lot of things, romance, video games, sports. Rare name, comes from Greek. Means: Most beautiful.
Person 1: Did you see that girl?

Person 2: Yeah, why?
Person 1: Her name is Calista, and she is so hyper during the day.
by FortnitePlayer1234 December 7, 2018
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