(keh - KAH - foe - nee) n. Rude, loud, unpleasant sound; dissonance; noise; lit., sounds like shit.
War is a cacophony but music to the ears of arms dealers.
by gridsleep April 6, 2020
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Another word related to noise, a cacophony is lots of horrible sounds. Imagine birds screeching, alarm bells ringing and babies screaming…and you’ve got yourself a cacophony!
Random Guy #1: "Omg, what are all those noises! MY EARS ARE DYING!!"

You: "It's a real cacophony!"

Random Guy #2: "Broooooo, r u like a nerd or something??"

You: "I just read the Urban Dictionary"

Random Guy #3 and #4: "Ur soooo cooolll dude"

Random Guy #1: "Tell us more man"

You (sounded like rlly cool and stuff): "u may already know that words that end in phone or phony are related to sound in some way. Cacophony comes from a Greek word made up from kacos (bad) and phone (sound). It entered English in the mid 1600’s."

Everyone: "WOW"
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The rhythm that doesn't rhyme itself.
"Dude, this song sucks...what a cacophony!!"
by Sid De Poo June 22, 2006
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When someone dies and you go to the funeral and look in the coffin and cough.
*looking at the grave* *cough cough** Oh sorry for my cacophony!
by Ethexia February 2, 2019
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Cacophony is as cacophony does.

We are all around you.

Question your perceptions.
Cacophony Society - A better life through better living.
by 4199758852 May 10, 2006
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Look at the new pictures in my bio.
Cacophony my bio. It rules. I have the bestest pictures EVER.
by JennfromDC August 14, 2004
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