Someone with a nice shapely butt, thick and round, nice looking.
Look at the butter butt biscuits on her!!!!
by Heather Banks June 12, 2008
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The sexual act of filling one's anus with butter then proceeding to shove a corn cob up the anus all while yelling "LOVE IS THE ANSWER"
Last night me and my boyfriend got frisky and he decided to butter my biscuits
by Garlico February 24, 2018
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can refer but is not limited to banging a hot chick whom others would like to have banged.
I'd butter her biscuits fo sho.
by Gibbie May 19, 2006
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1.the act of putting butter on a hooker's buttox.
hey baby why don't you come over here and butter my biscuits!
by j3w5 July 24, 2008
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term use in online video games after killing one or several people.
they just got thier biscuits buttered! i just butter your biscuits! holy shit doug fuckin buttered my biscuit!
by Doug-eee February 14, 2006
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