a ass kisser or someone who likes to talk shit about others.
He is such a butt muncher
by Jordayn March 18, 2005
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1. Someone who munches butt.
2. An insult to usless people (see example).
"Papas, of Kalgoorlie, is a butt-muncher"
by knowitall March 8, 2007
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one who partakes of the butt specialties....especially the rectum ring and hershey highway
boy I would like to dive into that rump roast and be a butt muncher
by pooty professors May 23, 2009
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1. A person whom likes the taste of feces

2. A person whom prefers an alternitive toungue scraper
"Ewww Tobian! You use pubic hair instead of floss?! Dude, youre a butt muncher!"
by k bean October 6, 2009
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When your undies are getting chewed up by your massive ass.
Andrew you once again your a butt muncher, next time put a larger size on.
by fart patrol September 28, 2019
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While having sex with a girl, you stick a burrito in her bum and then eat it.
Dude, you should totes try a Mongolian Butt Muncher
by holysweetgoddamn! January 15, 2011
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