You can define urself as an bosch if you drive an bossy vehicle like an cargo-e-bike. u can also say im feeling boschy. But u can also define urself as an bosch if you are just the bosch.
I wanna speak to ur bosch.
Im the bosch here!
by Seifibosch April 19, 2020
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Dealing with something in a powerful, effective, feisty way. Derived from bosch power tools.
She bosched it!
This job needs some bosching
by topicalfool December 4, 2011
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"Calm your bosche!!!!!" (most commonly used)

"Shut your bosche!"

"Get off my bosche!"

"Woah, my bosche."

"What an ugly bosche."
by Matchika June 11, 2009
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Bosch is a term used mainly among neds, it is a greeting like "neebor" or "mate" that can be used for anyone, it jus makes it easier when you are takin wiv people.
"Orite Bosch, hows it goin?"
by Diddy October 2, 2004
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a girl that sleeps around; a derivitive of the word 'slag'.
danielle: did you hear about the time when she went off with that boy after the party?

britney: i know, she's such a bosch
by Frenzy October 30, 2005
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a very affluent person. can also be used in adjective form.

shouted alone, the word "bosch!" can be used as a justification for only carrying plastic (credit cords, mate) or making a reference to not being a focking skobe or pleb. the phrase can be teamed brilliantly with a smug look on ones face.

must not be confused with "bosh" which is merely a focking douchebag's attempt at distinguishing bosch(ledge) with bosch(kitchen appliance brand). However this is highly unnecessary and not well received amoungst the truely bosch community.
Example: ed is very bosch! what a ledge!!
by bosch08 March 28, 2008
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vb. to screw someone over very badly; similar to getting 'Munsoned' from the movie Kingpin
We thought the hotels were only $20 for the weekend, but we got bosched and they turned out to be $50!
by Anteater December 8, 2004
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