Ay, nigga just boomed on you cuss.

That white boy just boomed on that poor black nigger.
by James b cuss January 17, 2004
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best one syllable word in the English Language. Can be used to a) clarify a point 2) show respeck or d) highlight something ultra sweet.
a) Whore-Hay: "What don't you get? You have to scream Punish. Punish. Boom."
2) Kerwin: "Dirty Chicken! Boom!"
d) Nuno: $150 bar tab?!? Boom!
by the_guy April 24, 2006
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The action of accelerating an object at a high speed with the intent of success.

In the past tense to have boomed something is to have accelerated an object at high speed and achieved success.
He boomed the puck into the net.
by reioni90 April 12, 2011
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to engage in sexual intercourse with a partner.
to boom, having boom, boomed,
bill and jane are booming now.
by freeky_sexxer February 11, 2005
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BOOM could be defined as:

1. When something is good, great or amazing.

2. When someone does something good, great or amazing.

3. When someone says something good, great or amazing.

For Example: "That party last night was boom"

Boy smashes a window - "Yeah dats boom"

"Wanna hit up BigWigs after?" "Yeah boom"

Now there is where 'Boom' began. After which, through the evolution of the English language throughout the last few months it was begun to be used as a verbal exclamation. Where in a sentence you would see '!' , you would exclaim, 'boom'.

Furthermore, the current definition of 'boom' would best be described by the following examples:

"Yo, did you see that broad?" - REPLY: "Yeah man she was boooom." or on the contrary: "Man she was DUTT/DUTTSKIES/DUTTYTINGZ/BUMTINGZ/BUMBUM/NOTEVENBOOM"

The word most associated with 'boom' in recent times would be 'pho' which is a Vietnamese rice noodle served in a soup typically with beef or chicken.

"That pho was booom!"

"Yo that party last night was BOOOM... but not as boom as pho!"
boom bomb dutty
by swapnilPRELAPSE August 13, 2010
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the sound of an explosion, often accompanied by :

1. screaming, death, carnage

2. the words "Terrorists win", followed by claims of hacking and teamkilling

3. the words "GAME OVER"
2) Captainobvious set us up the bomb!
Bomb Diffused- CTs WIN!

Gordon freeman: Is that a grenade? O Fu...
Grenade: BOOM!!!!!
by captain qwerty October 12, 2007
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