Premature ejaculation with no physical stimulation, ie. "hands free".
Woman 1: Why did your night end early?
Woman 2: When he took off my bra, I'm pretty sure he bluetoothed and that was it.
Woman 1: Really?
Woman 2: Yeah, he tried to say it was spilled cake batter!
by Bask in it June 18, 2013
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I Got That Bluetooth From The Girl At The Club Last Nite...Didn't Even Use Her Hands
by mshadep84 July 21, 2010
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An idiotic looking device, used by unimportant people who want to look important. It is a wireles transmitter that is put on an ear and is hooked up to your cell phone, so no matter where your phone is, you can still recieve that highly anticipated, uber important phone call from your mom. It radiates a tacky neon blue when in use, yet most of the time it goes unused. Good for when driving, but when not on the road it makes you look sad and pathetic. Users deserve a drop-kicking.
Doreen always used to wear bluetooth in class, with her hair neatly tucked around it. Coincidently, she never used it nor was there a car lying around class, waiting to be driven. Once I drop kicked her, she never wore blue tooth again.
by Mr. Hoboski November 9, 2005
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The act of a girl giving a guy head while using no hands.

A "hands free" BJ
Friend 1: That girl used no hands when she sucked my dick

Friend 2: So she gave you a bluetooth

"Yo I got a bluetooth from that chick"
by axbz April 8, 2010
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The act of peeing without the assistance/guidance/aim of your hand
Derrick had to pee, but couldn't use his hands, so he was bluetoothing it.
by Carbohydrate James March 1, 2011
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Being fooled momentarily into thinking
you're having a conversation with someone
who may be looking at you, nodding, etc.,
but who is actually having a phone
conversation on wireless headset. Mutually
annoying as each party thinks the other is being rude.
Joe: I just got bluetoothed again by
the boss's secretary... I can never tell whether she's talking to me,
talking on the phone or talking to the voices in her head...

Moe: Ha ha, I carry a pad and paper deaf-mute style to communicate in the office any more...
by Hey Moe! May 16, 2009
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A device put into a man's ear when he is unable to have a penis in his mouth or in his ass. Something that predominantly lower life forms have in their ears while out at restaurants or in front of you at the drycleaner and they continue to use them with no consideration for the waiter/waitress or store clerk.

On women, the same as above, but normally used by black women in automatic BMW's with balloon payments soon due - only used when in public places, never while in the car or else people who pull up next to them won't know that they have a cell phone!

Something that makes you look like you are running late for your Star Trek convention or the Dr. Who film festival. Only to be worn in public by morons.
She put her bluetooth in her ear and her brain fell out the other end, but no one knew the difference.

That goofball with the backwards hat is talking to himself while in line at Best Buy to show everyone that he has friends, but we all know that he is talking to his mama!

She walked up to my line at the store while talking on her bluetooth, I asked her if I could help her, she ignored me, so I yelled "next!".
by OnTheSideOfRight October 14, 2006
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