One thousand jillion, which is a fictional numerical term used to describe an unusually large number or amount. In other words it is equivalent to a nonexistent number.
There are a bajillion ways to do that.
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An infinitesimally large number that is too large for the mind to grasp.
There are like a bajillion stars in the universe.
by Grey_Ice May 25, 2004
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a dangerously huge amount
Bajillions of kisses heading your way now!
{Go see a doc if the bruises just won't go, my cuppy cuppy cake sweetpie...}
by ermrkiti3131 June 30, 2005
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A number, bigger than a bajillion. It's like a bajillion infinities.
I could retire with one bajillionity dollars.
by Kewsh April 16, 2008
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a word to emphasize the intensity of what is being said.
i called you a bajillion times!
i love you a bajillion.
by eektron. August 29, 2006
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