when you ask your best friend who their best friend is and they say someone else
going on anon - on tumblr - and asking your besto who their best friend is, and they say the person who they are always fighting with. cue awkward moment.
by fgtuftyfhkvkjbh July 10, 2011
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A common word overused by kids in junior high, almost in the same group with "LOL" and "random!". Used to try and impress your preteen friends after or during a long pause between conversations. Also used by idiots whenever there is a pause in speech. Sometimes accompanied by a hand motion resembling a turtle or a turkey.
Teen 1: ...and that's what I did last Saturday!

Teens 2, 3, and 4: ...okay...


Teen 5: ..aaaaawkwardddd...


Remember kids, lack of conversation isn't awkward until you actually say it is.
by Steak89 February 25, 2009
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1. Ungraceful; ungainly.
2. Clumsily or unskillfully performed.
3. Marked by or causing embarrassment or discomfort.
As Josh awkwardly walked to the bathroom he tripped over a book and two different TV cables, then stepped on a bag of chips and someone's hand. In the bathroom he tripped over the edge of a tile, fell headfirst into the toilet, and drowned.
by me March 24, 2005
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having your flat mate walk in on you while you are making out with yourself in the mirror, moaning, and saying in a deep, sexy, voice: "oh, baby".
the true meaning of awkward.
by viva_la_gloria July 28, 2009
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An insanely overused phrase to describe situtations and conversations that usually aren't awkward at all.
"I just dropped my pencil. Awkward."

"I can't get a cell phone signal. This is awkward."

"I'm sorry, I'm so awkward that awkward awkward when awkward."
by Joynas November 7, 2011
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When you are in the room with couples surrounding you and you're single... awkward make out sess..
When the tool and his girlfriend are lying on the couch together violently making out. That's awkwardation
by nakedmoleratnation June 22, 2010
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The only thing more powerful than love.
That level 35 love doesn't stand a chance against my level 35 awkwardness!
by TigWig360 December 16, 2016
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