Being force fed Mentos while butt-chugging Coca-Cola
My little brother's birthday party was vastly improved when my mom did a chunky ass rocket in the driveway!
by Chubby Bubba December 1, 2019
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When one is so drunk, one is willing to place a rocket-like firecracker between one's butt cheeks and fire it off.
"What ho, stout Yeoman? Might I infer by thine Countenance that thou hast been tempted by The Drink?"
"Verily! In celebrating somewhat belatedly Her Royal Highness' Golden Jubilee, my Compatriots and I didst become so emboldened as to consequently suffer the following Reproach of a fine and honest Gentlewoman: 'Ye Gods, you Vagabonds, but you have become ass-rocket drunk!'"
by newton64 April 4, 2008
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Totally or outrageously ridiculous...causing anger or contempt.

OMFG! Are you serious? You got a D...yea...that test blew ass rockets!
by mandaz March 15, 2006
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This is when you are "plowing" a girl in the ass right after a hot sauce enima.
Dude, I fuckered her in the ass and she just started shitting hot sauce... it was like an Iranian Ass Rocket!!
by manlyBreasts May 12, 2009
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very loose bowel movements that come out of the rectum under high pressure, sometimes followed by a large quantity of air (e.g. 'air breathing' rocket ass)

diarrhea of such character as to resemble the contrail from a rocket launch
"Dude, I got the worst case of rocket ass the last time I ate tacos in Juarez!"
by Steve Ocean June 21, 2006
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Rare but Freaky. Symptoms include: extreme halucinations of alien abduction, localized earthquakes of approximately 8.2 on the richtor scale which shake your whole house, ending in severe anal bleeding and aperant telaportation -- in which the subject/victim falls asleep somewhere (say, in bed) and wakes up inexplicably somewhere completely different (like on the front lawn or in another state) Usually, the subject/victim has no credibility and can not prove the event, but is, none the less, very traumatized. Example: See TV's House. Season 3. Episode 4.
Person 1:
"Dude you were WASTED yesterday, what happened?"

Person 2:
"I don't even wana talk about it. I woke up in the bathroom at Arby's"

Person 1:
"What the hell?...we didn't even go to Arby's last night!"

Person 2:
"I know... and my ass and gus are KILLIN me"

Person 1:
"Rocket ass syndrom...happens to me all the time!"
by mrkompressor June 3, 2008
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