A school in ingastone. You will find lots of strange things walking around. A mr Seager who walks round looking like he has a stick up his ass. Sometimes if your lucky you may spot him looking at you with his slight smirk and detentions list in his hand. Occasionally you will see them rocking cleaners on there motor bikes in the morning. When you exit the school the only people you will see is old men and women as there are no youths living in the village. I do wonder why there is a school in such a small innocent area.
There are some nerds, they must be from Anglo European
by Jgghtdgfkv fashion January 24, 2019
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The mental cage inhabited by westerners who are stuck operating on 17th century british-empiricist metaphysics. Residents of the Anglo-Box will often have trouble understanding the social, cultural, and psychological depth that underlies objects of sense.
No, I can't define "God" before I begin the sermon. Get your head out of the Anglo-Box!
by LenaRiver July 30, 2022
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Noun. A derivative of Anglo-Saxon and an afro hairdo. Basically any Caucasian person with a fro; that being a hairstyle in which the hair is allowed to grow naturally and to acquire a bushy appearance (first popular circa the late 1960s). Also denotes unruly, unkempt hair that behaves wildly regardless of attempts to control it; usually a problem for someone of Irish/Celtic descent, especially in inclement weather.

First known usage is attributed to the Dublin area in 2006.
While hiking along the misty Cliffs of Mohr in County Clare, Audrey couldn't control her raging anglo fro, which ballooned above her like a dense, tawdry forest of red ringlets.
by littlegreyhound March 27, 2007
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being both of Anglo-Saxon (i.e., viking, Scandinavian) descent and totally working it.
Sally: I'm part Scandinavian.
Louise: You're Anglo-Saxon, then.
Sally: Nope, I'm ANGLO-SAXY!
by Lady Beast October 31, 2009
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A person whose background is of more than one race and includes both of the following: African and English

and dislikes the term Halfrican
(on a information form)

Race (x the most applicable race for you)
Native American
Other X: anglo-blaxon
by doubleddanie December 7, 2009
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In modern usage it refers to anyone of English descent. In historical terms it describes the Germanic invaders from Saxony, and lower Denmark who invaded England shortly after the retreat of Rome from Britannia. Anglo-Saxon people tend to be members of the Anglican Church (Church of England) but this is not always true. Though England is part of the United Kingdom, the other "home nations" of the U.K. are inhabited by the descendats of Celts, not by Anglo-Saxons. This is why only English people are referred to as Anglo-Saxon.
Only people of English descent are Anglo-Saxon.
by DarcyL. July 6, 2006
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A person who displays a strong attachment to both Scotland and England.

Usually it means someone born and/or brought up in Scotland with English ancestry/origins, or vice versa.

Given the longstanding rivalry between Scotland and England (and antipathy between Scots and the English), being an Anglo-Scot can create problems, especially at sporting occasions, but there are many millions of Anglo-Scots in the UK (including many who feel the need to hide the fact) and no Anglo-Scot is less a Scottish patriot or English patriot for it.
Indeed, in Scotland an Anglo-Scot is as likely to be a Scottish nationalist as they are to be a British unionist.

Only a narrow-minded racist could try and convince you otherwise.
"She's not a Englishwoman, and she's not a Scotswoman. She's an Anglo-Scot."
"Sounds tricky."
"It can be."
by StuartGirl December 2, 2008
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