is so hot ... i guess it runs in the family ... has the hottest cousin
by Anonymous May 27, 2003
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Alden is a caring and a friend you would want to have... I have no words for he will do whatever it takes for his friends to be happy... Thanks Alden!
Alden is a noble boy
by LOLGAMIN September 12, 2020
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comes from the old english <i>auld</i> meaning 'wise' and the dutch <i>denusker</i> meaning 'gaurdian.' acutally means: <i>'wise gaurdian'</i>

1) <i>noun</i>: the dnd geek's wet dream. a flirtatious blonde who is not as dumb as her hair colour might suggest. many aldens hate pop music, and enjoy theatre and english class. can be found near shakespeare.

do not freeze aldens.

2) <i>verb</i>: to befriend mortal enemies and then have to deal with the consequences of their hatred for each other. <i>also see star crossed. 'to pull an alden.'</i>

3) <i>verb</i>: to make up words at ranodm and then attempet to pass them off as real.
1) oh man, that alden is so 1337. i just love the way she rolls those twenty-sided die...

2) young jim has pulled an alden, and now needs to have two birthday parties.

3) samantha had to hide her english teacher's dictionary, as she aldened much of her term paper.
by anon. July 7, 2004
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Super cool dude, down to earth and has a super wide worldview. He always has a funny story to tell, and no matter how often he tells them they never get old.
Alden can be annoying in the group chat, but he's is still a cool dude
by xdgrape March 1, 2019
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Alden is a name for a guy and a girl, alden is usually a heart breaker , he will never tell you how he feels about you even when he’s in love with you , he’s usually so annoying and has dark brown hair
girl1: Omg so I told alden that i liked him yesterday !!
Girl2: oh my god what did he say
Girl1: he said he will be my friend but nothing more , but he always looks at me and he said that I was really hot !
Girl2: it’s ALDEN what do you expect?
by istanhydroflasks December 11, 2018
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Noun (Al~den)

1)A relatively common English male first name that is frequently followed by a surname starting with 'T'. Normally described as a *RUDE* and *Loud Speaking* person.

2)A name of a person who likes Football but is bad at it. He supports UEA in World Cup and hopes they win someday.

3)A very *overly confident* person.

4)A Nigerian dude who brags about his Skillz especially in gaming.
"My name is Alden Tongs and my PES skills are *AMAZING* but I cannot beat the beginners!"
by PESKONAMIDEV July 30, 2018
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