A guy who looks and acts like a tough guy but is really a big pussy
Jeffery mannaa is such a little bitch boy how he did that text messaged breakup with Gigi Pussy coward baby puss wuss wussy
by Watermalondria January 30, 2014
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Little bitch boy is a person who is a little bitch boy, and wants to be dominated by a women, this includes pegging, being stepped on, etc.
"Why is she beating the shit out of Phil?"
"Oh don't worry, Phil's just a little bitch boy
by Bored teenage boy March 13, 2021
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a person who is ussually someones bitch, like a little slave peasent boy.
bob-hey bitch boy go get me some water!

bitch boy-yes sir.
by drewinater v 3.8 June 8, 2006
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1. Characterized by being a pussy or "bitch". With no male friends, but having many girl "bffs", thinking maybe they'll give him some sex
2. Very whiney and/or emotional
That guy is such a bitch boi or so all his bffs tell me
by Clops November 12, 2013
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POV:you came from tommyinnit's last video.
Tubbo:I looked it(bitch boy) up on urban dictionary,it means "someone that likes to be fucked and dominated."
Tommy:*speechless* PFFFFFT.
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