shortened form of Ziggurat, "a temple tower of the ancient Mesopotamian valley and Iran, having the form of a terraced pyramid of successively receding stories or levels."

The word is used in a contemporary context to refer to the structure proposed for construction in Dubai, set to house 1.1 million citizens.

You still using cars, man!? Fuck that; we don't got none of it in the Zig.
by Jim Cropcho August 30, 2008
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A GCS created by Elig, similar to wordMegazeux/word and wordZZT/word.
"I made a game in ZIG where you shoot lions"
by gofer-chan November 10, 2003
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a cell phone.

definition originated from the actual owners of cell phones who would use them in public places. they are zigs. now their tool has come to be known as a zig.
let me borrow your zig, i need to call a cab.
by overlander May 31, 2005
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A form of music developed by Ryan Groene and the band Chromestial. It is also known as chaos rock. It includes double recording with many things playing at once, generating mass chaos. It is hardcore.
Did you hear Chromestial's new hit "My Agony"? It is a hardcore zig song.
by Ryan Groene January 29, 2005
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a hair style, usually for girls
I want to zig my hair for the party
by brigid March 20, 2003
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Verb: the way you drive when your instructor is yelling at you
My instructor was yelling at me , I panicked and drove zig zig
by mureen October 6, 2020
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