Zane is a smart, funny, sexy, nice man who is very good at loving the lucky girl he has. He says I love you every night, he kisses her with no problem in front of everyone, and he holds hands with his true love. He will only be with the girl he's with and no one else because she's his Truelove. She loves him more an anything and he loves her more than anything. He tries to be friends with everyone but still love his girlfriend. Zane has been through a lot in life, but he still can love someone, and be friends with many people. Every girl wants a Zane to love, but he will only love one girl. If anyone could have the strong, handsome, sexy, loving Zane I have you would do anything to keep him. I love you Zane your the best person alive. I wish there were more people like you! I bet every girl would want to kiss you, hug you, hold hands with you, just like me. Except I'm different I get those things, I get you. No matter how mad, sad, grumpy I am I will always love you. I can't wait to get your perfect lips touching mine. Love you babe!
Zane is the sexiest and the best guy alive. I don't know how his parents got him so perfect.
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A Zane is particularly shy around girls but is easy going around his friends. He likes to play sport and is a very intelligent. He try’s his best with whatever he does and if you are close to him he will always be loyal and will not let anyone get in the way of him and his friends. Zane has an incredible sense of humour and has many close friends. Zane is an amazing sibling who puts others first and is always considerate! Zane always chooses his girlfriends wisely and will stick up for them no matter what! Zane is very talented and cute which has girls all over him!
Oh he’s cute he’s definitely a Zane
by Emoji10205 January 19, 2018
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Amazing, caring, handsome, sweet boy. Know to always be there for you when you need them. Known to be a good boyfriend and a great friend.
by Tehe🤪 November 2, 2019
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Zane is a very kinda,funny guy and is really amazing when u get to know him he might make many mistakes and do stupid crap,but he’s still a great guy.He is an amazing friend, and will always be there when u need him he’s also like a drug once you start loving him u can’t stop.He’s a little stupid and ridiculous,but he can be mysterious and kind when he falls for u and you fall for him.He has gone through a lot in life so he might be a little serious sometimes, and his life might be a bit jacked up but be there for him like he would be there for u when u need him.Show him how much you care for him because he will treat you like his everything and don’t let go of him,he’s a good friend to keep.
Girls:hey I saw you talking to Zane
Girl:yeah he’s my best friend

Girls:well he sure seems like a good one

Girl:yeah he is he’s always there for me
by Hey :p May 31, 2019
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