not being sober
You can get with that girl easy, cause she's yosted.
by IDS NO WASTE July 10, 2011
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When a person burps or coughs in your face.
Bro! Stop yosting me! Your breath smells like warm throw up.
by Loot Arens June 21, 2019
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v. When you run into your friends car that's parked in someone else's driveway.
Did you just yost my fucking car you stupid fuck!
by Pete and Vince April 28, 2003
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A state of mind that when in results in an epic fail during any endeavours attempted.
You must have been in a yost, you scored in the wrong basket.
by Yost Malone February 20, 2021
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I sent a new gap jump, cased it, and got absolutely yost into the bushes.
by BusterGotYost December 4, 2019
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Man, I took so many shots of gin last night, I was Yosting for hours!
by YosTron December 3, 2010
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