A humorous way of saying “yes” to express affirmation or agreement.
Friend A: I absolutely love Christmas cookies.
Friend B: yens… you and me both!
by applebin December 13, 2021
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A form of 'yall' or 'you guys' used normally in the south but is quickly making it's way north in the midwest.
What are yens up to later?
by CSells March 19, 2004
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Drowsy state during Opiate(Heroin) withdrawal.
The addict may fall into a tossing, restless sleep known as the "yen," which may last several hours but from which he awakens more restless and more miserable than before.
by SR May 17, 2003
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If your name is yen, then you like to be booty raped by big black men.
Ew his name is “yen” he likes to be booty raped…”
by s0l7s April 4, 2022
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slang for American money despite meaning Japanese currency, used by many young Americans
"Yo Skeeter, give me all your yen! I need to buy some Nic-Nacs!"
"Tough luck, Roger, I spent my last cent o' yen on a Beets bootleg at Honker Music Shoppe."
"Aww man!"
by JohnnyLurg September 19, 2012
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Japanese money; a dork, weirdo, and freak.
She's so yen!
by Luuvin March 26, 2009
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"I was yenning for some fried chicken, so I went to Popeye's."
by KC687 January 28, 2012
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