If it's free and unrestricted, even imbeciles who can peck out gibberish and press Send to Urban Dictionary can feel like they are contributing to a living, breathing literary process.
fill in the blank here with drivel, typos, and an odd assortment of letters, numbers, shout outs to homies, et. al.
by Maven May 11, 2004
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there is no wrong use for this. it is what it is. get over it if you cant take a joke, and if someone says something that bothers you, go somewhere else.
if you get upset because someone is 'using this site wrong' you are a herb, a total timmy, and a major tron.
by eli bizzy March 9, 2004
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The only wrong use of this site is when it is censored. Try to define the word "coon" and you will see what I mean. It will pretend to accept the definition, but never post it, even several days later.
Coon is a funny word for nigger.
by hateful March 9, 2004
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Not many things are funny if they aren't at the expense of other people.
Some people need to get their head out of their arse.
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Its a site where fat ass losers get on to bash either president bush or america or other countries when they didnt even vote. Its a place where euro trash can lash out at every other place just because europe is a bunch of has been losers who have nothing better to do with their time. Its a place where americans get on and tell everyone how ''we can nuke you'' well guess what! no ones nuking anyone so stop wasting your time on this usless hateful website.
to europeans: if you hate america so bad come over here and shoot somone and we will see what your pussy culture does for you then.

if you want to nuke the rest of the world so bad become the president and do it and then we will see what happens to america.
by sick of bullshit March 6, 2004
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Try checking your e-mail address for a confirmation message. It requires that a user click a certain link to confirm the entry's publication.
by Alhadis March 11, 2004
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Im not your goddamn friend, you fucking jew.
I am currently misusing this website, but so was everyone else, so who really cares.
by hateful March 8, 2004
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