The N word and racial slurs, sexism, and ableism.
That dude plays Valorant. He whas a valorant-like personality
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A horrible game which tries way to hard for people to take it seriously. The ranked mode matchmaking makes it impossible to have fun with your friends. The game also likes to not acknowledge that people have different skill levels and by skill level I mean they happened to get a lower rank in placements due to meaningless rng . This game is vile in every way it can be. Most people play this game because they probably cant get higher then gold. Riot games is also common for releasing un finished agents which they clearly haven't tested before hand. If you can't get higher than plat in this game your most likely also bad at csgo which also means you shoulds stop playing fps games and get on a moba like league of legends of hero of the storm. There is also a 38% chance the average valorant player used to play overwatch or csgo. There is a 80% chance the player base paid for their overpriced cosmetics. This game makes fortnite look generous with their skins. 99% chance riot games will drop this game due to the decline in player base.
by SteveTHemNa March 7, 2021
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A game you probably won't be able to play until open beta because it's not RNG, there must be a way to increase your chances. It is impossible for someone to get this game by just doing what the website does, no no no.
Person 1: Wanna play Valorant?
Person 2: Wow, just keep on flexing on me. I'm so offended.
Person 1: (Recommends game just in case if they don't get a drop)
Person 2: Stop shaming me for not having Valorant.
by Vizra April 15, 2020
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a shitty overhyped game that's a ripoff of csgo and overwatch.
person 1: Hey dude I just got valorant
Person 2: That game sucks
Person 1: Yea I know I just wanted to get it early and for free.
by xdgamerman420 September 21, 2020
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Valorant: A word for toxicity and racism. formally in which you want to inflict pain and suffering on the individual. Also used for calling someone a pedo or a predator towards women.
Bro you are such a valorant my guy.
by SlidingAce October 26, 2022
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A game created by ‘RIOT GAMES’... this game ruined twitch chats for eternity. thats all. CS:GO/Overwatch mix, cool but could’ve done a NORMAL closed beta instead of getting everyones hopes up
So you played Valorant?

Oh you mean the game you can only get off of RNG? nah man RIOT Did me Dirty #FeelsBadMan
by icantrunsteam April 8, 2020
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The game we hate love and love the hate not to mention the broken comp system.
by Junkyard Jarvis April 17, 2021
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