Uncontrollable Smile Syndrome - being unable to stop smiling because of something someone said or did,
man: i love you so much and the list of reasons has so many on there.
woman: i love you too, but my list doesnt end.
man: everytime you say something like that i cant help but getting USS
by ForeverInMyHeart January 9, 2010
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To haggle a price down by a significant amount of money
That German wanted $60 for that T.V. but i ussed him down to $20
by Poops_1414 November 16, 2012
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American Navy intelligence ship which was attacked by Israeli aircraft and surface vessels in 1967, resulting in the deaths of 34 Americans.
"At least the terrorists made no pretense of being our allies when they killed our men and women aboard the USS Cole. The same cannot be said for those who attacked the USS Liberty."

"The USS Liberty was a lightly armed intelligence shipped, and was allegedly mistaken for a Egyptian cargo ship."
by karl a d January 10, 2009
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The best aircraft carrier made by the United States of America. It was stationed in the Pacific theatre of operations.
It was the only aircraft carrier to be decommissioned two times (once wasn't enough since it was just so powerful).
It is the foundation of the Intrepid Air, Sea and Space museum in New York City.
Intrepid earned five battle stars and the Presidential Unit Citation during World War II, and a further three battle stars for Vietnam service.
It had achieved the nicknames "Fighting I", "Dry I"
BSUS:- "I wanna be as strong as the USS Intrepid". Creps"Dont we all"?
by Intepog April 22, 2021
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The most badass dreadnaught of World war 1, she fought in both world wars
Guy 1:I'm looking for a cool attraction..you know any good ones?
Guy 2:Yeah! The USS. TEXAS. She's stationed at La Porte Texas
Guy 1:Ight, bet
by Azurlane-fan December 1, 2020
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Probably the most famous of the Iowa-class battleships, and maybe even the most famous battleship in the world, USS Missouri is an American icon. She fought in WWII, the Korean war, and the Gulf war. From her bulbous bow to her huge 16"/50 caliber mark 7 guns, she has an impressive silhouette. With a top speed of 33 knots (around 40 MPH), she (along with her sister ships) is the fastest battleship in the world. Her guns, nicknamed the Long Nines, weigh 239,000 pounds (without the breech) up to 267,900 pounds (with breech), and fired 2,700 pound 16" shells. She still exists today, in the form of a museum ship in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.
Person 1: Did you know that the USS Missouri fought in 3 wars?
Person 2: Woah!
by maybesomeonerandomyes February 4, 2021
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A turd that floats for a short period of time, then sinks.
I just shit a USS Belknap.
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