when a guy trys to put his dick into a girls cunt but she is too tight so his head only gets in. makeing a tree the cunt being leaves and the dick is the trunk.
man yester day me and my boyfriend were gonna do stuff...but i got cunt treed... he is too big!
by cherriefreak326 March 7, 2008
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Chip: Hey Bob, look over there.
Bob: What is it?
Chip: Another treed bitch, that's the 5th one we've had this week. Better tell Rodney not to put up that water hose just yet, this one might be fun!
by Flaming Penis April 6, 2005
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Loading a shot gun with buckshot, slug, buckshot, slug
There is nothing better for home defense than a Christmas-treed shotgun.
by RJO1000 June 5, 2020
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To get hit by a tree with high speed, similar to the word "pined".
Dang, I treed myself on my freaking bike!
by Amberlewis012 June 22, 2018
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When you drive your car into a tree pissed up
Sorry boss I’ve treed my company car
by Alibongo October 7, 2018
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Super high, higher then high intoxicated
That wood got me treed
by Craydini June 11, 2020
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the mental or physical effect from the use of THC weed the feeling of being high.

high yet keeping your composure
got treed up!
by D Nevs May 25, 2011
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