unfair or fucked up in some sort of way that just makes you feel that someone or something is fucking around with you
1.dude, that's fucking rigged, i shot im like 4 times with the sniper rifle and he didnt fucking die.

2.My computer's rigged, it keeps crashing when I open a web page
by Carne Estrada February 13, 2009
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Your computer. You built it yourself (because you're not a dumbass who wastes money), opening the case, screwing in the mobo, attaching the GPU, CPU, RAM, Power Supply, what have you, you install an operating system of your choice and you care for it over the years. You upgrade its GPU every know and then, and ocassionally its CPU/motherboard. The contents of the case may change, but in the end it's still your rig, albeit with some new tricks.
In the boxes above, link to other words with square brackets. For example, booty will become booty.rig
by Rod_Jonse June 15, 2013
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a computer. the word is commonly used by DIY computer geeks or hardcore computer gamers
dude check out the new rig i just built
by the guy July 25, 2004
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Fixing something so it is to your advantage
Person 1:
The CoopCrowd rigged that video again, didn't they?

Person 2:
Of course they did.
by Laura the CoopCrowdian March 28, 2013
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It's slang for a needle/syringe used for shooting things up veins and into thighs and the like.
Man, having all this heroin around wont do me shit unless i score on a rig.
by Shabaho Jones February 4, 2004
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To have the venom of a cantankerous old man directed at you. The transgression can be very slight as his paranoia and pugnacious temperament leads to poor decision making. Most often, his petulant behavior will take the form of blocking on social media. It’s the online equivalent of being told to “get off my lawn!”
I can’t believe I just got Rigged; I’ve never even talked to that guy before.
by Dottie Hale October 17, 2018
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A sound system. Especially one putting on or participating in underground free parties. (UK.)
"Where's the fucking rig man?? He said he's be here by 10."

"Yeah man, my mate Dave, 'e's got this major rig, must be a hundred an' fifty K."
by bryn July 22, 2003
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