A term used by hot little good girls who dont want to use naghty words to describe a person, so they call them a Frau. in actuality, Frau is the German word for a formal title for a woman. example: Frau Jones, or Frau Andersen. Similar to Mrs. as in Mrs Jones or Mrs Anderson.
Don't change the channel you stupid Frau. I was watching that.
by Tuna Hotdog April 20, 2009
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God, Supreme Being of religion Joulism.
Can be found wondering around Planet Earth in one of her reincarnated forms, or in the heaven, known as Oopsilon
Are you going to pray to Frau Joules today?
by fraujoules April 1, 2021
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This is German for a 'fat woman', or as they define themselves in singles ads: BBW. In actuality they are frequently fat, stinky bimbo's with psychological problems, with resulting physical conditions. They will describe themselves as HWP (height & weight proportionate) and put only a head shot photo in their ad and/or an old photo of themselves when they were 200 lbs lighter. It also refers to many many women who've reached the age of 40 and beyond and use their age as an excuse to blimp out and adapt the philosophy of: 'If he loves me, he'll take me the way I am'. Many of these same women also still believe they're entitled to a rich, handsome, fit, educated 'Dancing With the Stars' type of guy and hate slender women. If a guy is into fat women, he's in hog heaven with respect to their numbers and has little competition.
Die andere Nacht auf das elende singles club, alle Ich traf, war eine dicke frau. Ich kann mir nicht vorstellen jeder guy je ist, dass horney. TRANSLATION: The other night at that miserable singles club, all I met was a fat woman. I can't imagine any guy ever being that horney.
by Big Ed Moustapha October 20, 2010
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A house wife of the 1950s variety. Cooks, cleans, takes care of the kids and never complains. She has no social life other than her kids and no matter how angry or upset she may be with her husband, she never shows it (especially to outsiders).
"Have you seen Emily lately?"
"No, since she had her baby she's become the little house frau."
by hyperdream June 23, 2009
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Frau Lohr is a type of person that'll haunt your dreams. She's the kinda person to make you cry during chemistry lessons.
"Oh my god you're such a Frau Lohr!"
"Don't be a Frau Lohr you will scare away the children!"
"You're such a prick! Don't even think about frau-lohr-ing again!!"
by Watermeloni December 27, 2022
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posting images of a cartoonish German and Finnish girl in online forums with a certain demeaning subject. No one quite understands it yet but it stands out between Shitposting and Shillposting.
"This Frau-posting is worse than the fucking benis meme on /bant/"
by Skeeho January 6, 2021
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