A propaganda phrase coined by the Insurgency Sisterhood, a guerilla outfit that promotes women's empowerment while supporting favorable relations between the sexes. Derived from the concept of overthrowing misogynistic men who abuse their positions of power within organizational structures by identifying actions that compromise their integrity, and then using this information against them in the form of blackmail.
"Hey man, you'd better stop flipping favors to your good ole boys like that. Didn't you hear what happened to the last boss who screwed a lady out of something she deserved? Small Dicks Sink Ships."

"I know you really hate the idea of giving that promotion to Jane, but she outperforms everyone man. You'd better go ahead and play fair, and keep mum - she's not so dumb. Small Dicks Sink Ships.
by vivalarevolucion321 August 5, 2018
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when you take a puff of weed and keep it in, then you take a shot or a big chug of beer and then let out the smoke.
Hey i got some beer and weed, you wana sink the ship?
by King Swift 360 April 6, 2010
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It is a phrase commonly used when a person holds negative or confidential information about you and ends up blurting it out to people who really don't need to know.
This can take place during big surprises and important events in life such as meeting with a potential employer or even in an attempt of scoring a first date with a gorgeous male/female.
This can cause extreme awkwardness and possibly even fatal depending on the circumstances but by stating this phrase you can state the fact that the person who opened his mouth shouldn't have said anything, even though the damage has already been delt.
Unemployed Man: "Hello there, I would like to sechedule an interview with you for a potential opportunity for employment at this business."
U.M.'s Friend (on phone in background): "Yo man, we'll bring you that dime sack of weed as soon as he gets done talkin' to this googly lookin' lady about some stupid job to support his family."
Unemployed Man: "You're sinking the ship bro."
Potential Female: "Aww thanks David for this beautiful ring! I bet it costed a fortune!"
Charlie (standing next to David): "Thank God for clearance bins at Wal-Mart."
David: "Charlie, You're sinking the ship, man."
Charlie: "Dohhh! Crap!"
by TheGasMaskGuy December 25, 2009
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whatever sinks your ship is a cool way to say whatever floats your boat, this phrase will confuse everyone around you . :)
guy 1: man i love this milkshake.

guy 2: well whatever sinks your ship

guy 3: what ?!?!?!?!?!
by wordfreak195 March 9, 2014
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A sarcastic variation of the phrase whatever floats your boat. Used in place of 'whatever floats your boat' when someone's preferences are harmful or you simply disagree with them.
Sammy: You should break up with Lex, she treats you like shit all the time.

Mark: Haha, she doesn't mean it. She only teases me cuz she likes me.

Sammy: Yeah... whatever sinks your ship, man.
by Shooter McHeroin November 20, 2017
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from popularmmos, gamingwithjen's (jen) famous quote from titanic bloopers
Jen: "Wait! We should go back! Cal and my mom should know!"
Pat: "What if they go after me?"
Jen: "The Sink Could Be Shipping!"

by katarashii August 3, 2021
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