When performing a four leaf clover using the mouth, and all four dicks cum at the same time.
Cindy was getting the ol' four leaf clover and ended up with a Shamrock Shake.
by Trent Gibbard January 8, 2020
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When you insert a four leaf clover into someone’s asshole and you fuck them with the four leaf clover still inside. It’s best to cum while still inside to give it that shamrock shake feel.
“You keep talking to me like that I’m finna give you a shamrock shake!”
by Smokey1108 April 11, 2019
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When a Irish bitch gives you a wet tit-job in a McDonald's (usually in the restroom but if your lucky, through the drive-through window)
Person 1: "Yo I got a Shamrock Shake at the local McDonald's bathroom."
Person 2 'Why in the bathroom?"
Person 1 "What."
Person 2 "What?"
by That messedup April 30, 2020
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This is when a person dyes their pubes green and then has the partner cum on the pubs. After the cum settles the partner then consumes the solution.
“The shamrock shake I had last night was delicious!”
by VapeLord421 March 19, 2018
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When you are fucking a leprechaun so hard like a cowgirl and they squirt out green cum and go into a seizure
Dude, i was in Ireland and did a shamrock shake with 20 leprechauns.
by George lopez March 11, 2014
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When someone puts green food coloring in your cum then have someone drink it with a straw
Dennis gave Daniel a tasty shamrock shake last night
by Murphed March 20, 2017
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