Noun. Female with abnormally large, powerful hands. Adjective: Mizish
Look at the size of her fingers! She's such a Miz.

Did you see Lisa crush that walnut with her bare hands?! She's so Mizish!
by msmizmizrahi June 19, 2010
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Miz is meaning of a chick magnet, charming. to a person who thinks he/she is irresistible and knows what he wants.
He/She is so miz...
by yoboyamore24 February 25, 2018
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talentless, bad dressing, reality tv douche who became a glorified jobber with the WWE after losing to Daniel Puder on the last Tough Enough. Enjoys going down on his bosses and funyuns. faux hawks and bad music are his vices.
"Man, you're a Miz!" ="Man, you're an idiot!"

"I gotta take a Miz!" = "I gotta take a shit!"
by El Libertine March 22, 2010
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a dancing mexican alcoholic from roslindale, mass
" how bout that "
by jerry shubert March 24, 2004
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Miz: A miz is an uncorrected (misspelled) error which takes place when texting, instant messaging or sending e-mails. These errors usually don't hinder the communication, but makes the offender look like an idiot. Mizzed, Mizzing, Mizzer
Sorry about the Miz. Jon is a mizzer. Sally keeps mizzing up the word Awesome.

Htanks(Thanks), Latter(Later), Awsome(Awesome), Becase(Because), Thr(The), Si(Is), Se(See)
by drakish March 20, 2008
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To be in a blissful state, to be in love or to be blinded by love.
Shes mized by that boy. Man shes in mad miz.
by Meg April 17, 2005
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when u need to go
"yo im mizzin"
by Paddy September 28, 2003
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