A variation of the acronym YOLO meaning "Jesus Only Lived Twice" it was arised as a joke that an 11-12 year old made in attempt to make her friends laugh while at a nerd camp when hanging out with them. commonly used as a comeback to "YOLO"
Teenager 1: Aye, you wanna go smoke some weed?
Teenager 2: Nah man i ain't 'bout dat life
Teenager 1: C'mon mah nigga, YOLO
Teenager 2: Nahhhhhh, JOLT man, JOLT
by Mypseudonymisalreadybeingused November 16, 2013
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when compared to most other soft drinks, ownage. When compare to Bawls, Shit.
Dude:OMG!!!1111!!!! THIS JOLT IS T3H R0XX0RZ!!!!
Guy:Try this Bawls. It ownz jolt.
Dude: *gulp gulp gulp* WOWO!!!1111!!!!11! OMG R0XX0R!!!11!!!!!!
by karri0n October 20, 2003
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The best Twitter User on the site, no one even compares to Jolt.
"Hey do you follow Jolt on twitter"

"Hell Yeah bro, better than that Nuts guy"

I'm subtweeting someone in Urban dictionary, im on some next level hating shit
by ThunderJoltTV July 1, 2022
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To be screwed over, ripped off and generally treated like dirt. Applies especially to games developers when dealing with publishers or hosted. End result of being "Jolted" is usually a loss of promised or morally or contractually obliged revenue.
We were working on this game with Jolt but they JOLTED all the players and never paid for the IP they used.
by Jolted May 23, 2009
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A line of crack cocaine sufficient for a single shot - a jolt.
Oh fuck, get Jimmy to the hospital, he took ten jolts in the crapper!
by coosh September 7, 2006
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