an explosive firework, fun to play with. Many brands. Black Cat, Thunder Bomb, Shogun, etc.
by schwag July 19, 2004
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An angry Caucasian, usually male, usually getting angry over sporting events.
Man that guy turned into a firecracker after Vancouver lost in the Stanley Cup finals.
by MrTallyMon July 4, 2011
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A Fart that comes at the end of a long piss, like a fuse burning down and then the fart.
Jerome: "Daaaammmnn Dave whats that smell?? I thought you only had to piss!"

Dave(After about 10 Beers): "I did, but it was a Firecracker"
by Chilidogjonson April 22, 2010
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A firecracker is a symptom of some stomach problems, especially the traveler's disease Delhi Belly, characterized by vomiting and soiling oneself at the same time. It is so named because sufferers often describe it like exploding from both ends and for it's "short fuse" or short warning time.
Oh my god, when I got sick on my trip I was so sick that I had a firecracker; I thought I was dying.
by traveler_girl87 March 18, 2009
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A man who gets way to excited and usually gets a boner when a girl does something like accidentally touching them on the arm or looking at them.
Jesus Christ Leon is such a Firecracker!” Or “I swear all I did was touch his shoulder and I could see he got a boner straight away, what a Firecracker!”
by lateSANjose March 19, 2020
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An Arab. So-called because, stereotypically speaking, they blow themselves up.
Call 911. I see another firecraker.
by big April 16, 2005
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