A Donald Trump tantrum. A tantrump, like a child’s tantrum, is characterized by whining, screaming, yelling, and histrionics. In addition, tantrump’s include complete denial of any responsibility for whatever caused the tantrump, attempts to blame others including the true victim, and Trump claiming he is the victim.
Trump was so incredulous that he had to testify in the E.Jean Carroll rape case, that his entire testimony was essentially one long tantrump.
by hedonic1 January 17, 2023
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a grown adult having a fit over not getting their way, especially when they are most definitely in the wrong
Even though he was wrong, it did not stop him from having a full blown tantrump when confronted about his wrongdoings.
by zeptaei November 27, 2016
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A response of prediction and support of widespread violence when results don't meet their expectations.
A richman's hissy fit/tantrum. Derived from the host of The Apprentice.
Donald Trump had a tantrump over the upcoming GOP nominations.
by KoalaKhaos March 17, 2016
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A Donald Trump supporter who has uncontrolled outbursts of anger and frustration in relation to the 2020 election results. Usually coupled with claims of the election being rigged.
Ignore grandad, he's just being a Tantrumper. He won't be shouting about 2020 much longer though, because Fox News has made up the critical race theory issue for racists to be angry about, and he really struggles to focus on two things at once, these days.
by America is the bad place November 7, 2021
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A verbal retaliation against an opponent or institution involving any personal or professional criticism or challenge. Donald Trump, Trump, Trumper, Trumpet, Trumpism, Trumpster, make America great again, The Donald, The Apprentice, Trump tantrum, tantrum, throw a fit
Donald Trump was furious when that news reporter questioned his business skills, he threw a tantrump. She backed off fast.
by joecoolthefool February 3, 2016
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A tantrum, when performed by Donald Trump.
"Wow, that was some Tantrump today."
by urbansanonymous November 19, 2020
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The anger and frustration you display towards your opponents when they challenge or disrespect you. They are trying to mess with you and you are not having it. A shortened version of the word is a tanTrump. Donald Trump, The Donald, Trump, Trumper, Trumpet, Trumpism, Trumpspeak, make America great again, The Apprentice, tanTrump
The CEO was really pissed and he let everyone know it. Yeah Bob, he threw a really big temper tanTrump.
by joecoolthefool May 15, 2016
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