A piece of shit Netflix duo of romcoms that nobody asked for.
Why is there a movie about how hard it is being Pretty, White, Blonde, Rich and Tall? Like what was going through Netflix's heads when they made Tall Girl / Tall Girl 2
by goldenppballs June 11, 2022
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Say it with a straight face to a black woman, survivor of the holocaust, and has stage four cancer - "You think your life is hard? I'm wearing size thirteen nikes... MENS size thirteen nikes. BEAT THAT!"
Tall Girl... *silence*
by Blacear February 3, 2020
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A girl who is taller than 5'9 and has the highest chances in becoming a model, looks the most beautiful and treats guys who are lesser than her height as shit and doesn't give a chance to talk to them. They also have the best qualities and rejects every guy and complain about guys being shorter or short guys being not nice and these girls are the best example of heightism.
Amy is a tall girl, she is the best example for heightism
by thegurusaint January 27, 2020
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A 6 pack of 16oz. cans of beer
Hey man what do you say we go get some tall girls and get fucked up?
That sounds good to me man.
by congolia muckenfuss November 5, 2007
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When a girl wears size 13 Nike’s in MENS AND is 6’1 and A HALF she is VERY gross!!
Make sure you ask her how the weather is up there, EVERY 5 MINUTES!!
No one:

Literally no one at all:

Tall girl: I’m 61 1/2 and I wear size 13 Nike’s,IN MENS. BEAT THAT!!

Mostly brags about being tall even tho she gets “bullied” for it. And she loves to bring up the fact that she wears size 13 Nikes in men’s
by I only clap berthas cheeks September 26, 2019
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One simply getting a boner from an unusually tall girl.
Jimmey gets a Tall girl boner every time he sees his teacher in math class.
by Pig problems May 30, 2014
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