He is a Japanese spitz, with furry fur.
Look at taffy! He is sooooooooooooo cute!
by Makodeshark February 23, 2021
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being tight af fuck and making it even better
"im taffy bro"
by dabblr August 29, 2011
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A male who attracts a lot of women even just by walking down the street. He will have sex with them all and they will want him even more.
Damn look at that Taffy over there- he's looking FIIIIINE!
by Monkeyman0067 December 7, 2015
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When taliah and raffi are going out but don't say they are not. Taliah loves raffi but raffi can't tell taliah he loves her so instead he sends her cringe Instagram comments
#taffi forever
by Josh.s18 March 26, 2018
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A very small package of drugs.
Normally contains crack or ice.
Crackhead: Oi could u chuck us a couple of taffys
Dealer: Sure thing pal
by DaffyDuckler October 19, 2018
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A name for someone who gets it. Who's just Trill As Fuck. Nah mean?
They call that bitch Taffy cuz she can git it boy.
by corbindmp December 10, 2016
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taf is fat spelt backwards, so just for affect say taffy! its a fab. word!:P
have you seen that Lauren lately, shes such a taffy!!
by abby taylor October 31, 2006
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