Switzerland is a country in Europe, but:

Switzerland isn't Sweden!
And Swiss is not the same as Swedish!

get it?
American: "Where you from?"
Swiss tourist: "I'm from Switzerland"
American: "Oh nice, I like the Swedish girls!"
by Swiss Tourist May 18, 2007
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v.(note lower case):
the act of being neutral or non-committed on a subject, usually a controversial one.
Joe: Hey, whaddya think about those Red Sox finally winning the World Series?

Louie: Hey, I don't wanna get into it, man. I'm SWITZERLAND on this one.
by Shmouse May 22, 2005
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1. A small, neutral European country.
2. To be socially neutral; not taking sides with mutual friends in a fight or stirring up drama.
1. I'm going to Switzerland in August.
2. Chase and Ami are fighting again, but I'm trying to be Switzerland.
by kenni! <3 April 29, 2008
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The America of Europe.

Refuses to ruin their beautiful country by joining the European Union.

The white spot in the middle of the map of the European Union.
Switzerland does whatever it wants and doesn't take shit from anybody.

Switzerland has the largest standing army in the world.
by Der_Kaiser June 20, 2010
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A small neutral country in central Europe, Switzerland is famous for lots of things, such as banking, chocolate, watches, weed and the Swiss Alps. Switzerland lies between Germany, France, Italy, Austria and Liechtenstein.

There are four official languages: German, French, Italian and Retoroman. These four languages differ slightly from the original languages, and there are many different accents spoken as well.

Though the city of Bern is being used as the capital, officially Switzerland doesn't have a capital. Zürich is the biggest city of Switzerland. Other well-known cities are Basel, Geneva and Lausanne.
Dude, I'm snowboarding in Switzerland!
by Sandros June 12, 2006
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A country that is small and neutral.
“The Swiss are small and neutral.”
by Lugs-o October 18, 2004
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A small land locked country in Central Europe surrounded by epic mountains and a bunch of countries who have done some crazy shit in the past, all of which Switzerland has refused to take part in. Switzerland has relatively high taxes, but because of this the government can afford to let everyone be parents for a couple of years whenever they have a baby, then when that baby is in high school the government pays for him to learn his way around an M-16. This is why nobody has ever had a beef with the Swiss, or if they did they sure kept quiet about it.
"Switzerland has always had a military draft-they have to, because they're surrounded by bastards." -Dr. John C. Freemuth
by YAR! A pirate! February 2, 2011
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