When you are not enjoying a blow job, usually because of the excess use of teeth and you proceed to finish off on the person's face.
Gwen was totally using too much teeth last night so I swansoned the shit out of her!
by 8==========DD October 18, 2011
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Slang for a man's penis. Possibly only used in Sault Ste. Marie Michigan, possibly Canadian in origin.
My swanson is erect, engorged, and tingling.
by Troy H. August 6, 2006
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The act of replying to annoying and stupid people on the internet with a disapproving look from Ron Swanson.
He commited the act of swansoning after the feminist called kissing a form of slavery.
by Ronf******Swanson June 9, 2017
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A gay last name. Usually belonging to a homosexual who's parents neglected them as a child. Has low self esteem with good reason. There genitalia is extremely small.
Matt Swanson is a complete fag
by Jonny do good November 22, 2007
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1. To mooch, take advantage of, or capitalize on a business relationship for personal gain(s). To be all about the gains.
Worker 1: Hey, I got free tickets to the game tonight, want to come?
Worker 2: Oh, how'd you Swanson those?
by Handsome_Phellows March 25, 2019
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Usually a fat guy with a baby face, not always fat but are usually ugly
Hey, did you see that fat guy? He was a total Swanson
by Studzy December 30, 2011
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1. A phrase for when someone says something and he/she ruins the whole topic of conversation with a comment or expression.
2.The joke was suddenly ruined when my friend Swansoned it by his horrendous laugh. The joke was no longer funny and everybody realized that they just swansoned that.

3. Swansonings definition means an expression or remark expressed in a group setting that ruins the whole vibe that can never be reverted.
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