1. The last name of the family that can totally PWN yours in anything. Yes, anything. Oppose them and you shall be severly slapped.

2. To be PWNED by someone clearly superior than you.
Mario Strauss'd Sonic at Super Smash Brothers continuously... obviously!
by Silver Pudding June 15, 2009
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nice, sexy German last name for an attractive woman
Beginning with "s" and ending with a "double s" gives Strauss a very sexy spelling. Having the last name Strauss can enhance an attractive woman's sexyness.
by Mr. 911 December 12, 2008
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To Strauss someone is to do the action of somewhat scarily move towards someone when a light is out or can mean many other things that are better unsaid. A common way to say it is straoos or Stroos.
Im going to STRAUSS you up!

Help me, i'm being vandilized by Dr Strauss
by Strauss Guy February 3, 2020
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When the thigh on tight jeans gives out resulting in a material tear that exposes ones inner thigh. This generally occurs during wear in public places, although domestic occurrences have also been noted. Experiences are often distressing for the individual involved, commonly leading to embarrassment, anger, frustration, and, ultimately brand boycott.
Strauss Crack 1: OMG, that chick is showing a serious "Strauss Crack".

Strauss Crack 2: When I got off the bus I noticed I had a huge "Strauss Crack".

Strauss Crack 3: I can still remember my first "Strauss Crack". I told my boss I was feeling sick and left work immediately and took a cab home.

Strauss Crack 4: I am never buying those jeans again, they blew a "Strauss Crack" after two months!

Strauss Crack 5: The worst part of being Strauss Cracked is not knowing who's behind you.
by Jackson Lester February 21, 2011
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One of gods gifts to the earth, fucking legendary person with a sense of humour to make up for what he lacks in dick size
"he was so small you could call him a tom strauss"
by yeahnahfrickoath June 18, 2019
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When a guy sticks their violin bow in their partner's ass and cums in their mouth.
"Dude, why does your violin bow smell like shit?" "Cause I gave my girl the Angry Strauss last night."
by I'll Be Bach August 30, 2009
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A racist, toxic and fake bitch who has no friends because she is pathetic trash!
Conor: "Uh Mia Strauss is coming"
Isabella: "uh she's so racist"
by Red_Velvet2022 September 12, 2020
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