got any stogs?
by jesse reedy March 19, 2003
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Relatively uncommon word used to describe a female penis.
"I saw that her panties seemed to be wet; I got turned on, and so did she--inadvertently revealing her 5-inch stog, something I'd only previously heard about in Readers Digest."
by Wes Virginia November 22, 2005
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A badass mother fucka who don't put up with anyone's shit. Good with the ladies even better with a gun. Fuck with this awesomeness and you'll end up getting your head busted!
"Don't fuck with the Stogs!"
by yo mista November 1, 2013
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a word me and my friends use to insult someone who has a less than beautiful face.

stogging means 'he or she has a face like the back of bus'
in Norwegian
me: woah did you see her?
my friend: yeah she was stogging

by mr mark January 14, 2006
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To shove something into a tight place, in a less-than-gentle fashion. You can make it fit!
Person one: "Oh, my suitcase is full. I can't fit anything more in it, I don't think!"
Answer one: "You could stog a few more pairs of socks in the corners, I betcha."
Answer two: "Nah, stog 'er in there!"
by xcarex January 16, 2004
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Refers to ciggarettes. Word developed by 2 st marks student (Tyler Colby, Anthony dePolo) who would sit in the parking lot every day before school and smoke ciggarettes or "stog" (the word can also be used as a verb)
Yoooo can i cop a stog off you?

We stogin' after school today?
by Yung BuCkkk March 27, 2008
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Refers to ciggarettes. Word developed by 2 st marks student (Tyler Colby, Anthony dePolo) who would sit in the parking lot every day before school and smoke ciggarettes or "stog" (the word can also be used as a verb)
Yoooo can i cop a stog off you?

We stogin' after school today?
by Yung BuCkkk March 27, 2008
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