A synonym for being absolutely hammered, plastered, wasted, wrecked, pissed (UK), or just plain ol' drunk.
Henry is having a rough morning because he got absolutely spritzed last night.
by snburnett October 28, 2017
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Using a Cheerwine soft drink, a carbonated beverage native to Salisbury, NC to douche or give an enema. This is particularly common after a Whiz dogg.
My girl was so gooey after the Whiz dogg, I decided to give her a Salisbury Spritz and clean up a bit.
by Hobo2 January 3, 2006
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When a small amount of diarrhea unexpectedly sprays out from being startled.
Damn, dude! You just made my schnauzer shit spritz all over the wall!
by DJ-TJ March 27, 2010
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This is when you stick your dick in a turkey gizzard.
Boy 1: Hey dude there's a turkey, lets kill him.
Boy 2: Nah first lets Allgyer Spritz that bitch.
by pseudonymsuprise February 12, 2010
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when someone/thing farts (lets one rip, lets fluffy off the chain(ebony)etc) and a little bit of faecis(poop,shit) comes out
Is that a fickle spritz in your undies!?
by Maccheese June 29, 2008
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You sensually crap on someones tummy then proceed to shake a bottle of any soda of your choosing and allow it to explode on your partner.
Ted: How's that Stephanie girl?
Billy: She's so cool. We went out for Indian food, grabbed a bottle of diet coke, and went to town. By far the best spritzed steamer i have ever had.
by Flamingo lover 4 life July 1, 2011
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One of three things that Josh Steffen does after every video.
Hey, you should check out Josh Steffen, he's an amazing drummer. And apparently he has this weird tradition of doing a nipple spritz every time he's done drumming.
by Stemadsen December 29, 2017
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