1. A large, fish eating dinosaur with a sail
2. The embodiment of chaos. Its final form is unknown and every single time a new fossil is discovered, depictions of it always change drastically.
Scientists: There's a new Spinosaurus fossil
Me: oh $#!+ what's going to happen next?!?
by KaijuNerd July 16, 2023
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A large dinosaur that lived in what is now Morocco. It had 2 long arms, each with 3 clawed hands, and 2 short legs. It had a long, crocodile-like snout, a long body with a sail on its back, and a tadpole tail. It was one of the biggest land predators to ever exist, and lived during the cretaceous, hunting in rivers and swamps to get fish or dinosaurs at the river's edge.
Spinosaurus was a badass tadpole-tail dinosaur.
by Spinoraptor69 September 29, 2020
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A Big Weird Dinosaur That was a Carnivore & proved it was Bigger,Stronger,Faster,Heavier,Smarter & More agresive Then a Tyrannosaurus!!!!! Spinosaurus: Tyrannosaurus: 21 ft Tall 16 ft Tall 52 ft Long 43 ft Long 7 tonnes14,000ibs 6 tonnes12,000ibs 44 mph 32 mph 16 in Teeth 11 in Teeth
That Meat Eating Dinosaur on JurassicPark3 That Killed the Tyrannosaurus!!!!!
by OLSKOO September 21, 2003
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Despite what was depicted by Jurassic Park 3, a spinosauraus was not NEARLY that big and was a quadraped.
Archeaology debates on the urbandictionary, LOL!
by Elitist February 6, 2004
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An African, fish eating therapod found in Africa. The Germans found some bones of the Spinosaurus...before Hitler...then it got put in a German museum and got blown the fuck up by the British. A.K.A, 'that one crocodile looking motherfucker who killed the T.Rex in Jurassic Park III.'

The Spinosaurus walked on all fours like a lil' puppy dog and had a huge ass sail on it's back. Not gonna lie, it looked pretty goofy.
Person 1: "Holy shit dude, the Spinosaurus just killed the T.Rex!"

Person 2: "Please John, you're dog can't understand English, me and your mother are scared for you."
by Thrombosis May 9, 2019
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The worst! These 12-year old fanboys believe that their fish-eating dinosaur is a god that is 70 feet long. They are usually crybabies who rage everytime they see Tyrannosaurus win. We wouldn't have these trolls if it weren't for Jurassic Park.
-Annoying ass Spinosaurus Fanboy
by WhoDatFreshBoi January 12, 2018
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