my anus....
The soda pop is banis, like my anus, therefore the flavor is ass fruit...
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1. shooting the shit; talking about nothing
2. talking about something trivial, like soda pop flavors.
3. the common kind of chitter-chatter that takes place while enjoying a soda pop with a friend.
"Well you were talking soda pop
You were talking quite a lot" - I. Brock
by njhatt October 24, 2008
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1. n. Term used to decribe non-threatening african american and caucasion young males who dress as if they are ready for a drive-by or rap video.

2. adj. An event, song, style of clothing, celebrity, car, etc. that panders to the above population.
1. "I didn't stay at the mall long- the food court was completely overrun with soda-pop gangsters."

2. "I wanted to buy a pair of Ecko shoes, but they looked so soda pop gangster."
by word diva February 8, 2011
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Using your dick to shove Mentos into a girl's Diet Coke filled vagina.
Jill got a Delaware soda pop from Joe last night and now she's missing a leg.
by Bromeo44 October 18, 2009
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A) referrs to the sharing of one's beverage, and the exchange of body fluids from the participants.

B) You have shared a beverage with everyone who has ever shared a beverage with someone you shared a beverage with.
Brian and Tim have had soda-pop make-out because they both shared a drink with Tiffany.
by Monkey Toker March 24, 2006
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