Basically yeeting people across the multiverse for a thing far worse then destroying the multiverse
Hey you know i'm vegan RiGhT? You: yes why are you asking Friend: and you know i have a dog right You:Yes Friend: And so is my do- You: You know the rules and so do I SAY GOODBYE
by a name that is totally not tok November 16, 2020
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"You guys have to be careful when going to Iran, or you'll get killed by add she ssr esseg so do ode she ssense"
*gets killed by add she ssr esseg so do ode she ssense*
"You neff!"
by stanloonaorturnintoskeletor December 3, 2021
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A phrase that can be added to any headline involving somebody, (usually a celebrity), who can be 'doing' anything yet it does not impede on their inherent sexiness; this person has a special tendency to remain sexy in situations where others would look a hot mess.
Originated from the Oh No They Didn't Live Journal community, where headlines about the rapper T.I. are usually concluded with the phrase.
T.I. appears in court, remains sexy while doing so.
by WashableMarkers September 17, 2008
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Term used to describe feelings of extreme frustration, annoyance and irritability. Often used by an angry person when woken up in the middle of the night by their neighbours persistent and loud spooning.
Example 1:

Dude 1 (playing FIFA 10 on Playstation): Ohh! I told u to shoot soft and it went over the bar....WHY U DOING SO HARD!!??

Awkward Silence...

Dude 2: (pauses game...turns to dude 1) U fucking mango!!!
Dude 3: In hysterics

Example 2:

Dude + Dudettes 1 n 2: Uh ooh oooh yeh right there baby!!!!
Dude 3 (aka neighbor) : (bangs on wall) Why u doing so hard!!??
by Faz13 April 13, 2010
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The cocky, optimistic view of one's future success. The Donald, Trump, Trumpism, Trumpster, Trumper, Trumpet, The Apprentice, winning, Republican, winner, leader, CEO
I'm going to do so much winning when I start my new job, I may be CEO by the end of the year. You know who you sound like, I know I know, The Donald!
by joecoolthefool February 23, 2016
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