The act of validating an likely hoax email on and notifying the sender whether it is true or false.
I sent Jim from accounting a note saying "Congratulations, you've been snoped!" regarding his latest conspiracy email.
by B2CCatcher February 9, 2012
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The snow that gets stuck in between your tire and wheel wall in the winter.
That guy can afford a bmw but he can't afford to clean out that snope?!
by jimbobimbostuckinlimbo January 15, 2018
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a combination of a snuggle and a grope, commonly occuring when watching a movie at home, although it can occur in public places, most snoping occurs in innocent enough circumstances. It is an easy way to liase from first to secod base
We snoped on the couch for over an hour while not watching Conan the barbarian
by jcrowley February 2, 2008
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Slang meaning no....
Matt: Hey Chris did you do the math?
Chris: Snope
by Chris November 17, 2004
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Real, really, serious, seriously, legitimate, verifiable, factual, could be confirmed or verified by fact checking (on snopes or elsewhere).
I snopes grew up in the hood.

Ask my mom, if you don't believe me.

Now way! Are you for snopes right now?!
by Bizzlebeebox September 17, 2013
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To tell somebody the equivalent of nope as in "no" but it is used at the beginning of a sentence. Originated by a great man named Morgan.
wanna hang out today?

"SNOPE i have to do my homework"
by Teddy Lukey September 17, 2007
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