An american soft drink with lots of empty calories and tooth-rotting sugar to boot. A sure way to become a diabetic in no time at all.
That dude is a snapple head. What a loser!
by DavidDuck October 26, 2013
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A tin apple for chemistry dorks.
-Rodolphe: "Here take a bite of this Snapple"
-Gustave: "Food!"
-Gustave: "Ouch what's this?"
-Rodolphe: "It's an apple infused with tin"

by valmont121 January 29, 2008
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1. An awwesome juice drink.

2. An expression.

person 1~ I luv snapple!
person 2~ Me 2! *smiles*
person 3~ I hate snapple...
person 1 and 2~ Well I hate you.


person 1~ I lost my cat again.

person 2~ Oh snapple thats not good!
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Snapples - snotty people who believe in the inherent superiority of Apple products against all competing brands with the preconceived notion that Apple products are 'made from the best stuff on earth.'
"My friends are such snapples. They won't even gchat me when they know I'm using my Droid."
by i8urchips February 24, 2010
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the greatest shit on earth. origin - 1992 Snapple Corp. "made of the greatest stuff on earth"
Yo dawg, your Benz is snapple!
by PIMP PHD August 6, 2003
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An alternative to soda that bills itself as "all natural" and "made from the best stuff on earth" but counts high fructose corn syrup as "natural"
by jn9 September 24, 2006
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