To take ones hand in a semi-pinch and sweep away.
I just wanted to sloop it up.
by Djspin13 July 16, 2010
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Similar to a shart, a sloop is the action of accidentally defecating in your sleep. This generally results in a sticky poo mess in the morning.
Remember that time slanty-eyed Paul slooped? He woke up in the middle of the night covered in his own excrement. Good times.
by JRitz January 28, 2009
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The past-tense of sleep.
by oooofer June 23, 2019
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Past tense of "sleep", similarly to "slept.
by Mr Bastian February 21, 2019
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The mixture of semen and 💩 poop.
You will be introduced to sloop during a felching. Randy and Billy dedicated their whole morning making sloop for the fall felching festival.
by A-Pdiddyâ„¢ February 5, 2019
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the odd facial retardation that varies in severity amongst approximately 25% of the gay male population.
"wow, jared is so homosexual"

"how do you know?"

"did you notice his sloop face?"
by mikedipi January 15, 2009
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1:n. Sperm that pours out of the anus of a woman. Often after intense anal sex or rage-filled sex that involves a penis that is seventeen inches or longer. Often it is the consistency of toothpaste and a brown-gray color.

2:Slang refers to people who play more than five hours of video games daily
Man A: Yo I made some sloop yesterday with a whore.

Man B: Oh well I beat three of the fifteen video games I bought...

Man A: Fuck that shit man you're such a sloop bitch!
by Frank The Horney Giraffe February 27, 2010
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