A school located in New York that is for students too: stupid, lazy, retarded, etc to get into a real liberal arts school like williams or bowdoin. If you are an athlete then girls will acknowledge you. Since it is located in buttfuck there is nothing to do but smoke pot and get sloshed.
Tom--hey, did you get into Tufts ED?

Suzie--nope, im going to Skidmore instead...at least I can jack off a lax player now!!!
by clitflicker97 October 25, 2010
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The Skidmore Complex is in effect when any of the following are true:

1) Unattractive men are able to freely and easily hook up with gorgeous, intelligent women.

2) Women are rejected by men who are less attractive than they are.

3) Those in attendance at a party are 30 women and two men.

4) All good looking college men are gay or taken (usually by a high school girlfriend).

5) Male Skidmore alumni are unable to attract women nearly as beautiful as the women they were able to in college.
The Skidmore Complex is most clearly observed at Skidmore College, but may occur at any small liberal arts college in which women outnumber men.
by skidmorescribner December 6, 2009
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The swim team at Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs, NY. They win a decent amount of times but their motto is “work hard have fun.”

The girls on the team are the sweetest people in the world but this team is known for having freshman men who prey on artsy freshman girls and take advantage of them sexually.
Girl 1: who did you hook up with last night?
Girl 2: some freshman dude on the Skidmore swim team.
Girl 1: damn are you okay?
by jboy432 March 26, 2021
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Army Veteran and future candidate for elected office in The Great State of Oklahoma. Born in Oklahoma City, raised in Ada, Oklahoma.
Motto: Frank Skidmore - Trained To Serve, Prepared To Lead!
by Friends of Frank Skidmore November 16, 2011
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The act of simultaneously ejaculating and defecating, so as to create an unholy marriage of pleasure and shame.
TJ: I don’t think I can go back to that new taco shop.

Robert: Why?
TJ: I hooked up with that waitress.

Robert: The big one?
TJ: Yeah, and their meat is a little suspect. Long story short, right as I was about to finish, it turned into a real Skidmore Fountain. I think I stained her uniform.
by Lord Dunklethorpe November 9, 2017
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A boy who's a dick. Makes fun of tall girls who like Sonic the hedgehog. Claims he is rich but lies to get attention. Attention whore. Nice parents though
Girl 1: why u gotta be a hater to me

Tyler Skidmore: CUASE you are a poor attention whore
by Carly Bethany January 7, 2015
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