A broad term (usually used as an adjective) that describes art and other media that is under a specific classification of horror; commonly, material associated under psychological horror, decay, physiological abnormality, and macabre.

Silent Hill is originally a popular survival-horror game series by Konami. It was favored by the horror gaming audience because Silent Hill had a refreshing style when compared to its earlier, "traditional" genre relatives, such Resident Evil.
Silent Hill's recognizable characteristics were decrepit architecture, ambience and symbolism. The game used eerie atmosphere (commonly expressed through building that were aged or wrecked.) as opposed to the earlier horror games that used shock tactics and surprise to achieve horror. Where other games used hideous visage and grim faces for their enemies, the creatures in Silent Hill were characterized by bizarre anatomy and disfigurement. Games commonly used gore in order to shock the player. However, Silent Hill usually avoided gore, at least for the majority of the time.

So, when media is described as 'Silent Hill,' it is implied that it is composed of either disfigurement, subtle horror, deterioration and is something frightening that doesn't out-right involve violence or gore. It is common for media under the horror genre to use unsettling, but minimalist, imagery; because there is no specific classification for this, it is commonly associated with an the 'Silent Hill' series, much like other work is considered 'Lovecraftian' or 'Orwellian.'
"Those pictures are Silent Hill."

"Those pictures are Silent Hill-like."

"Those pictures are Silent Hill-esque."

<presented material>
"Silent Hill!"

by Badgers February 17, 2006
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A game developed by Konami.One of the few things in recent years that made me scream like the little girl I am.In a dark room.With two other people watching me.

While I think that most other games of this type are too generic (zombie ANYTHING has been done to death),Silent Hill breaks that trend with monsters that are so mind-numbingly disturbing,you'd think they were truly from the deepest pits in Hell.
At least in my opinion.

And the music is something else.I keep listening to my SH3 Official Sound Track over and over;it's just that good.It really sets the mood for the fucked-up,warped environment that is the game's setting.
Don't play Silent Hill in a dark room with people in it with you.You'll regret it if (and when) you scream.
by NekoFaust September 29, 2005
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n. a video game series developed by konami. it's emphasis on more cerebral horror has frightend many gamers the world round, with its disturbing images and freeky enemies. you, the player,are usualy equipped with a decent amount of weapons for shooting and beating enemies to death.
"Dude, did you see that monster? It was soooo fucking Silent Hill!"

"Hey, Aaron? would you like to visit Silent Hill during the summer?"

"Hey don't make me grab a lead pipe and go all Silent Hill on your ass!"
by Dev-Dev July 24, 2003
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A popular series of video-games developed by Konami. Considered to be extremely scary and psychologically disturbing. Each installment of the series goes for a different psychologically horrifying aspect.

Silent Hill 4: The Room is going to explore the theme of one's room. Conventionally thought of as a safe place, a sanctuary, but in Silent Hill 4 the lead character is trapped in his room by chains and bolts on the door and windows.
I personally don't find Silent Hill to be all that scary. I think it's very more fun and interesting, though it does have its scary moments.
by Slasher August 15, 2004
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an insanely scary game designed to make boys and girls defecate as soon as they are exposed to it. its fucked up.
jimbo: play some silent hill
johnny: dude.
jimbo: what? lets play
johnny: fuck that yo, that shit is way too scary.
jimbo: u fucking pussy
johnny: no shit, i wouldnt play that game to save my family
by cy September 19, 2003
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An extremely fucked up survival horror game made for the psone. This games take what you know about horror and rips out it's guts and stangles it with them.
The movie is also very true to the video game with pleanty of the same diologue. I Reccomend the movies and games 1-3 because 4 is kinda out there and I didn't enjoy it.
"Home! Silent Hill!"
by Kazegirl September 10, 2006
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A very good game series.



by TheTrueDoomsdon November 30, 2022
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