HOTTEST girl you will ever come across.They are everything . Rude and cute , judgemental and understanding, classy yet .. no yet they are CLASSY . they are blessed with this charming personality, genorous and warm plus with a great fashion sense "wanna know how that dress will look on you? ask any shriya around you.."
Look that's Shriya! mannn i want that charm too :(
by johnny depp (daddy) November 23, 2021
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Nice and sweet girl she like a big sis to me. She loves her friends and plus Niki and gabi
Shriya my big sis xoxo zaria ♡︎
by Fancybabysis May 29, 2020
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Shriya's are amaze human being who have a weird thing for their best friend. Shriya's are obsessed with webtoons, sitcoms and are a big fan of edm music. They look ok but are pretty enchanting and have a magnetic personality that draws in many weird people as they themselves are pretty weird and quirky. They may seem cold and rude at first and once you get to know them they are still cold and rude hahaha
Hey wasn't Shriya pretty rude last night at the party
by penguin1001 March 17, 2022
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“Shriya” is a name from Hindu origin based on a goddess
by Ibluumi February 13, 2023
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someone who for some reason just LOVES donkeys

donkeys are so fucking uglyy
Shriya likes donkeys because donkeys are weird
by I LOVE MONKEYYYYY September 15, 2022
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Best choice for Joint Cultural Secretary
We should all vote for Shriya Mehra.
by Ak dhillon January 13, 2022
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